Tuesday, August 2, 2016

#VictoriousFaith: When The Mountains Aren't Moving

I have felt an immense sense of being overwhelmed recently. I know that there is much to be done, much that I want to "have time to do one day", and much that has changed. Every day, I go through my day the best that I can... praying when things get tough. Occasionally, when I wake up the next morning I feel stuck in yesterday. I have asked "What is wrong with me? Am I experiencing a season of being 'in the valley'?" Life has gone on without giving me answers... leading me to feel overwhelmed because there are things that have not been fully processed, and yet there are more things coming my way. Overwhelmed has seemed like an understatement.

I have prayed countless times for energy, strength, focus, comprehension, and answers in these past few weeks. As I felt alone some days, understood on other days, and confused on most days, I realized something that has changed my mindset.

I do not need an answer all the time. I do not need to know the next step. Maybe this season is God showing me to rely on Him more. Maybe this season is realizing that I've been "going through my day the best that I can", and not the best that He can. I have asked for help, but not received it. I have prayed for God to rescue me from these feelings, but not surrendered them.

Here's what I am learning:
Sometimes we feel as though we've hit a wall, and it may come more often than not for some of us. I've taken that as an opportunity now to exercise #VictoriousFaith that God can and will get me through it. He can and He will break down the walls of apathy, discouragement, frustration, and sadness. He will rescue me from confusion, lack of understanding, and exhaustion. He will do these things when I take the first step towards Him: Surrender (for real this time) and reliance on God's strength.

I know that is not all God is trying to teach me, but I am going through it currently. As He speaks, I will continue to learn & grow and share my experiences with others who may feel a similar way. 

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