Tuesday, October 28, 2014

A New Chapter

For those of you who have been following this blog for a bit, you might be looking at this thinking "where did all the other posts go?". I took a long break from blogging to finish up school (which I did! Yay C/o 2014!) + make more time to spend with God along with focusing on music + ministry... But, I'm back now! I won't make any promises for weekly posts or anything, but I can promise you that I won't be going on a year hiatus again, lol.

Just an update! I graduated High School (woop woop!)

I've been working on music + ministry a LOT. Which has caused me to grow in my personal leadership  + in new musical abilities -- I began to really learn to play piano (AND in fact I found my old keyboard from my childhood that I thought was dead+ gone! We recovered it!)

Recently, our church held a conference for youth called "Jesus Use Me" + the impact on the lives of the students was incredible! (Here's a #JUMYOUTH2014 photo I found!)

And that's just to name a few things that have gone on. It's been incredible.

As a result of all this growing + the new adulthood stage that I've entered into, I've come to realize that I am really going into a new chapter in life. This is what I want to introduce you all to. In fact, here's a cool little insider... I started writing this post on Saturday. And I'm posting it on Tuesday, lol. But here's why... This weekend I spent time with some incredible ladies in Lake Arrowhead + God revealed an even bigger "new chapter" to me. I gave my testimony + really just spent some time with God on this retreat and I felt God's calling even stronger than I had ever felt. I knew that by speaking about my struggles in life + declaring God's victory over it, I broke chains. And my praise felt renewed. I felt like a lot of things changed for me. And fortunately, I was able to spend time with God getting to understand what I need to do + what he means by His calling that he revealed to me. The result of that time was me understanding that it's not just an emotional high that I was feeling, but a true change in my praise + understanding of where God is calling me.

All of this contributed to me feeling the need to revamp my blog, my lifestyle, all that. So I'm looking forward to starting this new journey + chapter as well as sharing it with everyone as it happens. Thank you all so much for helping to contribute to me becoming the person that I am today!

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